
How about men stop trying having bad intentions? Or expecting more out of it than simply helping someone with their gadget? And by extension old people should also not buy gadgets, ever, or manipulate their children/grandchildren into helping with no sincere appreciation?

But at least women ask? Lol. *brings up stereotype about how men never ask for directions, and you just don't run into tech-illiterate guys because they'd rather poke around in the dark for hours than ask someone*

Yeah. My mother was a database programmer for Mastercard. She has trouble figuring out Microsoft Word and watching her navigate Windows is a painful painful process. But not knowing certain tricks != tech illiterate.

Weighted average of black points versus bounding box. Bounding box is definitely simpler, but weighted average makes a hell of a lot of sense. If you were balancing an object, you'd use it's center of mass, not the center of its bounding box.

It might sound like it, but people aren't hating on people with Aspergers/Autism in general. I have friends with Aspergers, and while they might not understand personal boundaries some time, the moment you tell them it's not okay, they STOP. Because they are not terrible people, and they care how I feel.

This. This is exactly why I cannot watch Asian dramas AT ALL.

But they didn't say anything about positive or negative, just that it was misclassified as a humble-brag.

Idk... for me personality is more important than other things, but still, not enjoying anime is a dealbreaker for me. Not. Even. A. Chance.

You're using incorrect logic to argue a fallacious point. He never said that they were the majority of adults; he just said there's enough of them to create their own immature subculture of gamers, which tells you exactly nothing about how many there are, except that they exist.

Ahh, children.

Also, have you considered that maybe your sister looks up to you and wants to be like you? Instead of railing on her about not being a real gamer etc, how about playing some of your favorite games together?

1. Depends on whether I'm currently playing or not. If not, then 0 hours. But for the few weeks of the year I do play, it's like 14 hours a day, or 8-ish if I have work.

But he never said all adult gamers are man-children. He said, "in a culture full of children and man-children".

Also, when my ex made me wait for sex for hours while he played his video game, I consider him a man-child. Ugh.

I'd count anyone over the age of 21 and acts like a child a "man-children".

If she rails on him for white-knighting, it was probably obvious that she could've handled it herself in the first place. If it wasn't, it leaves one of two possibilities: she's having a bad day and taking it out on him, or something along that front, or there was something smug or other about his behavior that set

I might only play pokemon, but I play with the wiki and manuals open, dammit! Does that make me fake?

I think the gist of white-knighting is if you're only doing it because she's a girl. If you'd do the same for a man in a similar situation, it's not white-knighting.

True words. The most racist person I know is my mother, and I am probably the biggest pervert I know.

Maybe they give that speech about being respected and treated with dignity because generally, they aren't?