
You won’t see this because even though I followed every fucking step to the letter, I’m still in the grays. Needless to say, I concur.

The end game is to aggregate the comments and sell them in blocks to advertisers, which makes it a roaring success.

Reddit is really ugly, but it’s really functional. It’s easy to navigate threads with tens of thousands of comments, unlike this, which gets unwieldy beyond three.

I like to laugh out loud while watching Strangelove so people notice how highbrow my tastes are.

That would work if just the book sales to the electoral college are the only ones that count.


It’s because Trump speaks to their insecurity as whites, and because it wouldn’t be their pussy grabbed, just someone else’s.

It’s a great movie, but it’s in no way one of the greatest comedies of all time. I don’t really understand that.

“I got a Community notification for THIS?” 

Can anybody see me?

Her first draft referred to him as a “shit-brained cockweasel”, but her editor made her change it.

Thank you! Now I just have to convince the AV Club writers. Shouldn’t be too difficult difficult, lemon difficult, eh?

As a fan of your comments from the world before, I sincerely hope you don’t leave

Jeffrey Tambor is wonderful and deserves every success in life.

I’m done with the AVC. This newest shift is a bridge too far. They’ve taken everything that made this site easy to use and stomped it into the ground. I just hope they love the change, because it’s effectively killed the community.

Well, this post ain’t in the greys.

What the heck is this crap?

Ranger Tabes from “We Bare Bears”

Am I out of the grey yet?

WTF has the AV Club become?