
Yeah, what gives? I’m in Hungary and it’s also not working here.

But journalists, when they are on the job, aren’t ordinary people. Their primary concern and duty, when acting as journalists, is to report about people and things, not to report them to the police. I think you’d find that most (old-school) journalists would say that it’s not their place to pass judgment or to run to

They might be pissed at the “distraction” of the impeachment process, though. I mean the people who are already angry at Washington elites squabbling and wasting time and resources, if they were hoping for something to get done about various problems and aren’t wholly hating Trump yet, they might be like “Yet another

This is just my opinion based on consuming media like FiveThirtyEight, but it sounds like to the Republicans the midterms don’t feel that far away, and they’re still hoping to get some shit done before then. If impeachment proceedings started that would take over everything, nothing else would get done, and it would

Yeah, for me on my phone, your comments were gray because they were pending. If you have the Kinja improve plug-in for Chrome pending comments won’t show up as gray and you will see them by default but they will say “pending”. For those who don’t have the plug-in, they have to click “pending” at the top of the comment

Sorry about your experience. I was lurking on Jezebel at the time when that shit went down. I feel like there would’ve been another solution if more thought or resources had been put into it... Or even just something simple like banning images probably would’ve worked :-/ Or just graying images instead of entire

Political science says: partisan identity is a hell of a thing. And it trumps (no pun intended :( word ruined forever) gender identification. Common sense and reason say: it boggles the mind. Generations from now people will still be wondering how this was possible. Yes, party ID, yes racial resentment, but

I see your point. In theory this is a system that can push good commenters to the forefront. But it has lots of potential drawbacks too. It could discourage people from joining a community in the long run because as newbies they have less of a chance to have their comments seen. It’s also worth considering that in the

I really hate seeing this three-tier business on the AV Club (Staff - Community - Pending). Beyond the fact that many old commenters somehow are in the grays, it suggests that somehow people whose comments are pending aren’t part of the “Community”. I keep recommending posts in the hopes that’ll get them ungrayed.

I did, but I guess it doesn’t matter if regular users follow, it has to be staff?

It says you’re pending (right now).

Is it just me or is that tweet a bit passive aggressive?

oh man… so he thought he "nailed it"? oh boy. he must be so confused as to why people are not impressed.

I've spent this entire season disliking Alicia, judging her for being what Peter called Maddie: a person who doesn't even realize (or at the very least refuses to admit) that they are selfish.