
I can’t wait until one of his SC appointees pisses him off with and he threatens to remove them: “I put you on the Court, I can take you off.”

Anybody else having flashbacks to 10th grade English and “A Day No Pigs Would Die?”  Probably dating myself with that one.

Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake IPA”

Along with the music from every 1950s black-and-white cowboy flick.

They got such a good education at that school that they couldn’t even put the apostrophe in the right place. Shoulda disbanded it altogether.

I really like Red Hook’s ESB, but I can never find it. I love Scottish ales, and was disappointed that the 2-3 pubs I went to and the store around the corner from my hotel in Edinburgh had nothing they called “Scottish ale.” I had to settle for plain old Belhaven, which was still pretty good. And brown ales. I always

The thing I hate almost as much as the racist aspect is the fact that I can’t imagine doing that and not feeling stupid...............yet there they are, tens of thousands of people doing it all at once and not knowing or caring how stupid it looks.

Now playing

New Finnish melodeath from Insomnium, released today:

Now playing

Everlast’s theme to Saving Grace, which was a pretty great show with Holly Hunter:

......And if you didn’t, that didn’t happen.

I worked in a juvenile correctional facility years ago and we had this Cambodian kid. Nobody including the police ever got anything more than his first name. He claimed to be 13, but we suspected he was closer to 30.

If by “Deep State” you mean “unelected operatives who formulate and carry out policies that the electorate had no say in and don’t support”...................well, that would kinda be Miller, wouldn’t it?

In junior high when I lived in Chapel Hill, I used to hang out at this record store and they played this all the time.

That, and they should start charging less than $10-12 for a six-pack of something halfway decent.

I keep telling my wife this, and she keeps giving me side-eye in return.