
They do it every year at Oswego for Super Dirt Week.

Maybe they should find some random-ass Chinese dude named Robert E Lee and slap his face all over those statues.

My thought on “what about black crime” is: “Yeah, you’re right...........why do we tolerate that as a society and allow it to continue? Is it because black lives really don’t matter?”


I maintain that if you REALLY NEED A GUN RIGHT NOW and you don’t already have one, I’m not sure anybody should sell you one.

Here you’ve got guys who are mad at the stay-at-home measures instead of being mad at the economic system that keeps them in a position where they can’t afford to miss a few weeks of work.

Not only do I not care where my students sit, I don’t even care if they show up to class. They are adults, it’s their money, and they can decide what their priorities are.

So if I’m earning less than 7.5% I might as well buy savings bonds?

On the Royal Mile there is a shop that serves an excellent pulled pork sandwich topped with haggis.

I couldn’t run a mile if a fucking bear was chasing me.  But I think I could easily put away 4 Budweisers in 11 minutes.  So what if my kid runs the mile, I drink the 4 beers, and we combine the respective times?  Or did I just invent another sporting event?


Yeah, but these are cans.  Doesn’t have the same ring.

I ruined a hand mixer when it turned on while I was fiddling with the beaters. Buried my hand palm deep between the beaters. Had to bend everything all to hell to get my hand out.

Don’t travel much, but my son brought me some Dalwhinnie 15 from Scotland that’s pretty amazing.

All I get is “Invite Invalid” when I hit that link.

The only thing that would have made this better would be if Bregman had mimed shooting an arrow into the sky.  I fucking hate Fernando Rodney.

Now playing

Something Allan said last night reminded me of this 80's classic:

You missed the best part:  based on the shadows, Kai is clearly knee-walking *on air.*