
We corrected that with the King James version. Despite original scriptures, Jesus & Christ are now the same host. We’ve done this to prevent guests from having Jesus fuck Christ. It was too blasphemous. Other corrections we made is the Devil, Lucifer, Satan, and the Morning Star are all one host.

The title hold even more clues to the story. From Wikipedia:

Washington fans are currently trying to re-troll Fisher by bringing up losing seasons.

Washington fans don't understand anything.

So much douchebaggery in one comment. Not a fan of him but wow man, just wow.

"Friday's Child" originally featured a really bad mother. In Dorothy Fontana's script draft of "Friday's Child," the princess Eleen doesn't protect her baby at all costs, the way she does in the aired version. Instead, she hates her baby and is willing to hand the newborn over to be murdered, in exchange for her

Spreadsheet games are great when you are 12-22 and still schooling. They are less fun when you are 35 and working with spreadsheets all day.

These trailers get me so wound up, but I've tried EVE at least a half dozen times over the years and it always ends with me alone in space, staring at a list of probe information.

I really don't need to go from a day of checking work related spreadsheets to an evening of checking game related spreadsheets.