
Is it bad that I thought the complete opposite? I thought it was going to be a whole bunch of white “liberals” and then them getting to complain about how we don’t reach out to them. lol

CHECK OUT YA GIRL ALL LEGIT!!! DRINKS ON ME! And by drinks I mean seltzer water with lime.

This was an informative, interesting post...until all the killin’ started.

Rodent vs. pet, delusional condo owner vs. oppressive condo owner association—truly these are the questions of our time

Looks have pretty much 0 to do with harrassment. It’s a power play and it manifests itself that way. I know women and girls who are not conventionally accepted as “pretty” (which is bullshit anyway)—they arguably get it worse than the “pretty” ones: they also get the anger from the harassers, “Why aren’t you hot, you

I read the thread, and I agree with a lot of things said by you here, and also everyone last night. I am really only posting here because I found it frustrating, there and AGAIN HERE RIGHT NOW, that there are STILL men posting comments like “I hope it’s not me!” and “maybe I’m a jerk sometimes but I try not to are you

“I don’t have a racist bone in my body”

“What about black on black crime?”

Consolation prizes to:

The only reason he beat his personal best was to get to the end and put his dick away. Classic motivational tactic. Try it and see for yourself.

i knew i should have put money down on him to show.

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.

Is there a “get hit a lot and take forever” speedrun challenge? If there is, I’d like to put my name in.

I got to that sentence and stopped cold. What the hell, Jane? Why would you ever put that in there? Someone is having some relatively minor new in-law drama, and you suggest she married the wrong person? That’s.....I can’t call that a jump, it’s so far beyond.

Seriously....like, that has no place in the answer to the readers question. That and the last answer makes me think Jane was not having the best day when this article was written.

Also, maybe you married the wrong person? When that happens we often look for signs of trouble anywhere we can find it. Think about it.

The fact that your mother-in-law is reaching out to you is a good sign! FFS, stop scouring your wedding photos for evidence of her hatred toward you and your family and just, like, go to Olive Garden with her or something.

This is needed and so wonderful that it is happening. As an old guy who ate the free breakfasts that the BPP set up, I don’t believe you can find folk who grew up in Oakland during that time who don’t love/admire/respect the Panthers.