
WHY are we focusing on minor details like whether it was a grenade or a potato? The fact is—and you can’t deny this—the fact is that an object that was or was not a grenade found its way into a mess hall, which was obviously dangerous no matter the facts of the case, and I--and I’m not bragging here, this is training,

- Entire press corps

At least Trump seemed to take his one historical lesson from Nixon’s interview with Frost, to wit: “If the President does it, it is not illegal.”

I live in the south. This is absolutely true that Fox is what these people live and die by. Every restaurant, doctors office, and any other place with a TV will be tuned exclusively to Fox News. Fox has trained them to not trust anyone but Fox. It’s the classic Jim Jones/Scientology tactics of “everyone who isn’t us

*gasp* An intelligent young man with a white mother and a black father grappled with his racial identity as he moved out into the world during his years in higher education, much of it in a very privileged white environment?


For me, it’s different because there are no bodily costs or risks to the man that results from such a decision. Women can die from childbirth. Women can die from pregnancy. These “stealthing,” guys are putting women at risk for death, injury, etc. Complications from the pregnancy could impact her future ability to

Preston, thank you so much for this piece. It is disgusting to think that somebody could be so careless and demonstrate such disregard for another person’s bodily and sexual autonomy. I am appalled at the lack sex education, respect and ignorance that people display. Stealthing is absolutely sexual assault, make no

25,000 children per year age out of foster care without ever being adopted. Adding more unwanted children to a system that already can’t place them all is not a solution, particularly given that only 36 percent of abortion patients are white women whose children are reasonably likely to be adopted.

When you start making statements like “women who choose to have sex need to face the consequences” you really have a problem with her behavior, you’re not trying to save babies. Why? Because the “exceptions for rape” argument is essentially saying some babies deserve to live some don’t, depends on how slutty the

Abortion is never a “thing of convenience”. Even with the least invasive, least burdensome methods, you’re still going to be in pain and have to take a day or two off work, at the very minimum. No one who has had an abortion would prefer one to safe, effective, convenient, no-side-effect-having contraception, BUT, not

I haven’t met a single woman in my entire life who thought of her abortion as a “convenience” and shrugged it off. It’s a serious medical decision that requires a great deal of thought for any woman. To say it’s just something people do when they don’t want to deal with the “consequences” of unprotected sex is really

I just don’t get people who don’t think abortion is a consequence. When those people spill milk on the floor, do they leave it til it molds? No, they clean it up. When they get diabetes, do they wait for gangrene to take their limbs? No, they take insulin. Abortion IS a consequence. Abortion is not fun. But it many

Nice freshman comp essay, though a tad unoriginal. Most of us are past that now, though. Women have the right to control their own bodies and make their own moral and ethical decisions about how to do so. They don’t need your two-bit moralizing about compromise. End of story.

Bringing children into the world that die of disease due to lack of medical care, or starvation due to lack of food, isn’t murder. The people who create the policies that deprive children of necessary medical care and food aren’t considered murderers.

Eh, you could almost maim my kids and he’s not notice, especially if he had food in his hand. I’m gonna be pretty pissed about it, though.

Wait, fucking idiots don’t have the right to vote? Someone go back and tell last November that...

“ At a cost of $6 to $8 per glass of juice, its still cheaper than buying it in a store.”

You’re fucking kidding me right? The all organic deli and healthfood store near me. Noted for its expensive products. Will sell me a 20oz, cold pressed juice for four dollars. Bottled high end fresh juice at the supermarket costs

You missed the part where they instruct you to cut the bag open after use, put the used pulp in your compost, rinse the bag and put it in a box so you can save them up and mail them back to the company for recycling.