It’s okay, I got this.
By June of 2015, after sixteen years of hosting the Daily Show, Stewart offered a bleaker vision of how the past flows into the present
On September 12, 2000, Jon Stewart started The Daily Show’s Headlines segment with the following joke: “The GOP…
I’m at work right now, reading your comment.
That terminal illness one gives me chills. I think my ex used that when I had cancer (which, given I am here, clearly was not terminal). And I realise I am projecting here but what woman goes, “oh, you poor thing, your wife is dying. So I should totally hop on your dick because she clearly doesn’t have enough to deal…
The problem is, every once in a while there is a story that gives them hope. Like, the one I read in which the guy says “I had to leave for a 2 week business trip, and before I left my girlfriend was acting strange, making calls and then not telling me what they were about and stuff. Then, when I was gone, my friend…
I think that’s most likely exactly what happened here. I bet during his grad program his now-wife was at home telling her friends “If I think about all the time we spend IMing and calling and skyping, he couldn’t possibly also be seeing someone over there, right?”
That list is a disgrace.
Fanfiception? Not going to lie, if it had Channing Tatum in it, I might go see it. Especially if it was written by monkeys. Make it a musical and I’m sold.
The best part of this whole thing would be if some shitty writer out there wrote a derivative, crappy fanfic of the Shades series, and somehow got it published, and it became totally popular and famous, and there was a movie made of it, and then another shitty writer wrote a derivative, crappy fanfic of that book, and…
I’m sorry. But even if she had gotten in trouble for drinking or smoking pot, I’m going to have to refrain from calling her a PIECE OF SHIT. She was a thirteen year old girl. If you get into the job of parenting you realize that upon entry to adolescence you are in for a world of hurt as your child begins to test the…
Redwall. I adored these books from 5th grade to early high school and devoured as many as I could and amassed a pretty big collection. While I really love Brian Jacques’ narrative and the wonderful world building, after revisiting recently them I realized it was just the same story over and over again. When a friend…
The Dragonriders of Pern series, by Anne McCaffrey. These were my everything in middle school/early high school. I read them all, over and over. I went back to re-read as an adult, and couldn’t believe how clunky the writing was and how under-developed the characters were. There were scenes that I remembered in such…
Did you get through it in one sitting? Because I found it repetitive so I skipped ahead — MAN, THAT ENDING THREW ME FOR A LOOP!
Dave Dawson, Flight Lieutenant, has some fierce lipstick going on there.
Yeah, Astin definitely nailed it. In the books Aragorn is my favorite character, but it in the movies it’s easily Sam.
I never got that one, have never been able to understand the endless fascination with that book. I read it when I was ten or twelve, put it down, thought, “Geez, what a putz,” and went to the library for something better.
The Bible. Growing up seemed like a great book, full of wisdom and whatnot, later on read with a critical mind, utter rubbish.