
“Look at Catherine’s hideous hat, but don’t look like you’re looking. You look like you’re looking. Look back at me now.”

it looked like a cocktail weenie in a hay stack.

Personally, I was hoping for Fighting Sue, and have their mascot be a middle-aged white lady.

A few people have raised the questions “gee, isn’t this normal for the court system,” so I’ll address on this comment (with all respect to the other commenters who’ve asked, I’m only going to do it this one time).

Reading those words, in that handwriting, is absolutely gut-wrenching.

Oh, and also this:

Here’s the thing about this that was easy to miss in the segment: Part of the reason that rapists maintaining parental rights is important is not just because of the possibility of rapists gaining visitation/custody rights. (Obviously, that’s awful.) It’s also because rapists can use the threat of suing for custody as

You know, I’m a man and I would never vote for another man as president. Can you imagine? What if he gets a boner at a UN summit? What if some hot young thing walks past him and he can’t control himself and causes an international incident?

See? Men are just TOO emotional to be president. What if he gets into a spiteful bad mood and launches nukes or something? Men have such delicate feelings and just can’t control them, the poor dears.

As the chick who had everything go wrong with HBC, I'm glad someone else is saying this. I just got a copper-T and am hoping I can quit the conversations with every new doc about how no, hormones make me severely depressed, suicidal, give me migraines three and a half out of four weeks of each cycle, and gave me a

It sounds like, either way, you run a legitimate risk of ending up exhausted and cleaning up poop. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.

Just one problem: those words are specifically banned by TripAdvisor due to a site-wide ban on "political language,"

I would imagine the space whale would be skeptical of them at first, jaded after eons of seeing its earth-brethren senselessly slaughtered by humans. Leo and Adrian would try to make contact and are confused as to why the whale does not like them. The whale would play a years long game of hide and seek with the two,

Oh, yes. I am an equal opportunity hot men with animals photos appreciator. See Exhibit A:

Will a hot man with a cat do?

by Ari Schwartz

I actually lead with that as my introduction to all people I meet, as they are my most important attributes. It doesn't matter what the social situation. "Hi, I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight. Can I get two bean burritos and a cool ranch Doritos locos taco? Thanks."

"You guys know about vampires?" Diaz asked. "You know, vampires have no reflections in a mirror? There's this idea that monsters don't have reflections in a mirror. And what I've always thought isn't that monsters don't have reflections in a mirror. It's that if you want to make a human being into a monster, deny