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Florida resident here. The last thing you want is for an alligator to enter a residential area. For them to do that, it likely means they’re hungry and not getting the food they need close to their home. God forbid a young child or dog get within range of that thing.

That’s a good flight attendant because I hardly EVER see them doing this on flights. I’ve asked a guy sitting across the aisle from me to put plugs in. Guy was late 50s, should know better. He asked, “is it bothering you?” I said, “Yes, yes it’s bothering me.”

Bevin and all the other Republicans blaming this on video games are fully aware that their argument is total bullshit. They don’t actually believe that video games cause mass shootings. Not for one second. These guys aren’t stupid. They know that most of the world consumes violent media just like America does without

An old joke:

Q: What’s the difference between a rock guitarist and a jazz guitarist?

A: One plays three chords for a thousand fans, and the other plays a thousand chords for three fans.

I have a ~$75 one in my living room (single bedroom apartment) and even that has improved things greatly. I’m not getting a movie theater experience but it fixed the biggest issue I was having of missing dialogue in the midst of all the music and sound effects. Getting something inexpensive like this if for nothing

I have a ~$75 one in my living room (single bedroom apartment) and even that has improved things greatly. I’m not