
The instant I saw Dule Hill, I thought about that scene when Charlie smacks Anthony around a bit for being a dick to CJ. If President Bartlet had made and appearance, I do believe I would have lost my shit.

This is roughly where I'm at about now

Wasn't it a white guy planting his flag in Africa that started this whole mess in the first place?

I always consider a meal a success if I just end the meal without food all over my tits.

They don't fit everyone. Me being one of those people. WOH WOH:(

Re: people who support mandatory minimum sentences

I know who we should REALLY ask about this...

Gee, I'm sure his slipping rating have NOTHING to do with the fact that he never asks a follow-up question. He's brought Meet the Press to its knees. Tim Russert used to actually challenge people. Gregory merely fellates them. He's not alone in this and this decision may have been made above his head. Let's not forget

"Dapper Trans Queer" is adorable. Were I not a (practically) married woman, I would flirt. Hard. Cutie cutie cutie.

Joe Biden, my favorite VPOTUS (after posthumous VPOTUS Leo McGarry).

Ok. But let's charge the (white) man in Seattle who left his infant in the car while he went to work then. He wasn't even charged (left with a warning).

I'm sure that her support of these geocentric anti-Semitic crackpots was actually Kate Mulgrew from an alternative, evil universe, and I am glad that the beloved real Kate Mulgrew has returned from her dangerous Mirror, Mirror (mis)adventure to set the record straight. PHEW.


Do you think 'K. Hunt' was teased a lot as a kid?

I'm currently a 34F because I'm naturally well-endowed and currently breastfeeding. I'm also fairly small boned and not very large anywhere else. It is so, so miserable. It physically hurts. I can't imagine volunteering to pay money to be that huge.

Quick. Someone. Give me the German word for "Crying bitter, angry, and sad tears over the horrible truth of a point being made, while simultaneously laughing at the humor being employed to do so and cooing over adorable children."

Serves Kate right. She shouldn't force the kids to be on TV and do interviews if they don't want to be on TV and do interviews. If Kate wants to be a famewhore, by all means, go for it. But the kids are old enough now to opt out.


I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.