
No, that's how often birds think about sex. A podcast is created every time a bell rings.

I kind of feel like the series is leading to Russell either killing or causing Belinda's death and Gamby will realize too late just what kind of person he's teamed up with.

There's already been an American IT Crowd, and it was garbage.

Or In the Loop. That character certainly has shades of Tony, but it's still a different (not so subtle) beast.

The Bojangles stuff last week was great, too.

Great, one less job for Emma Stone.

What kind of shitty sex dungeon has padded walls? Bare concrete, buddy, you don't want to make it harder to wash away the various fluids.

I mean, I'm not quite clear on the legalities of that, but sure, why not?

I've got some locked, padded rooms I think they'd find very safe.

The Todd Glass Show is the one that immediately jumps to mind for me. For a while it was guest dependent but it just got to be too long, even episodes with my favorites like PFT or Jen Kirkman started to feel like a chore amidst everything else I listen to, so I just gave it up.

You forgot how racist Spoonman is.

Prince, too. I wonder if he's playing near me anytime soon?

Was this comment translated from Russian?

He wasn't in the bed, he woke up on the kitchen counter with the fridge door still open behind him.

Sadness cut with arrogance.

I don't even want to know what horrors await Chris Brody.

Hey, be fair, Killer Mike shot the poodle.

There's got to be a shorter way to say "rock documentary," but I'm drawing a blank.

So he's who I have to blame for my friend repeatedly trying to convince me that JonTron is funny?

We're earthlings, let's blow up Earth things!