
I'd rather go for quantity. Tones of nice stabbin' spears (…that tend to miss, for the same reason why Leonardo uses kicks on anything other than robots, rther than his swords; still works with her vague helpessness). Maybe some shields. So on and so forth. Just a tone of things.

Well, Jasper's desire to fuse likely comes from abandonment issues BECAUSE she was the one perfect gem in a batch of malformed fodder. She personally saw what happened to the other gems that did not come out right (perhaps they were INSTANTLY shattered as material for the planned cluster?). Jasper must realize that it

yeah, but that still carries the problem of bubbling. IE- taking the time and effort to stop, bend over, and pick up the fallen gem. The Jasper fight is a perfect example of why this is a problem on several levels: jasper got her but kicked before she could do anything, and amethyst was able to reform in a couple

Oh, obviously. Thus the 'getting her sociable enough to affect bismuth'. I highly expect that to occur after they wrecked half the shops on the board walk in collateral damage.

Hell, thinking about it- how would she react to lapis? Since Bismuth personally poofed the poor girl, then that would also mean that lapis is a prime example of the exact kind of gem that would have met the "breaking point".

Yeah…hopefully they can do it without unbubbling her… I mean, we have no idea how steven's dream powers work with gems (who rarely sleep). We've seen it work on Malachite (who was probably too angry to sleep, and only ahd a weird state of consciousness) and the cluster (whose broken minds were too busy screaming to

Yeah…it is kind of hard to deal with the fact that your friend is trying to straight up murder you. I can see that as something she might put on the backburner…forever.

yeah, the fact that our 'new team member' was locked away in Rose's super secret hidden stash made me suspicious. I mean…."why didn't you release her a thousand years ago?" was my first question.

Side note 2- I feel like we should have shown Bismuth the cluster. I think the literal embodiment of every single shattering that occurred in the war could have had a large effect on her. Maybe we should have tried steven's dream power thing to see if he could have maybe set up a two way call or something (I don't

Great to see the continued theme of how to approach the moral quagmires of war.

While it might not have been explicitly explained, I think the idea that she was 'half baked' was likely there for quite a while. It just comes up when you are born in the environmental disaster and ask why you were born 1000 years too late. Also, the smallness compared to the other gems.

I highly enjoyed that they subverted my expectations due to character growth. The build up of this episode highly mirrored Amethyst's attitude when she went crazy and attacked pearl in the kindergarten.

Ah, forgot it was related to that. I'm chalking that mistake to the 5 forms she took that episode. As steven said, it stops having much of an effect after happening so much. We saw that form for about 30 seconds before it was gone forever.

Well, the most obvious response is 'asymmetrical warfare'. (edit: missed your last line since I was responding through the updates- so yes, 'cheat')

Well, this has been coming for a long time. Because Jasper is a literal embodiment of Amethyst's insecurities: she is a 'perfect', powerful version of her. One that knows who she is, with no apparent issues with identity or purpose.

Splitting up isn't always a terrible idea. But that only works if the smaller groups work as their own cohesive units.

I totally called that at least one of the villains were basically going to try to eat gem shards in order to attain HUGE.

Making a fusion shell is "too dark for this show"?

Yeah. I mean… did the Mongolians even invade the area? That seems like one of the things that define the area- when it was placed under the control of one of the great mighty empires, and the large land mass was divided for one of the heirs.

Yeah, but that is different from hanging with their kids. My relatives have kids, and I mostly just see them passing by sometimes. When the concept is entirely foreign, it might take a LONG time to realize the connection, or to even begin asking about it or interpreting comments about it.