
Thinking about it… I think the reason why Lapis was on earth seems fairly obvious. I mean…she can move the ENTIRE ocean, and the planet is 70% covered in water.

"You have trifled with my for the last time, fry man"

Hmmm… after seeing the map of earth in that moon episode, I have begun to wonder… is the fact that most of the cities are next to the ocean a very active choice?

Only immediate thing of note here is that this sets lapis and peridot up as room mates. Obvious dramatic chemistry, even more so than OCD/slob seen with pearl/amethyst. Now we have PTSD victim/one of the most insensitive characters around.


Jasper/Malachite sounded rather stoked about that deal.

have seen them looking for Malachite at various points. Such as garnet exiting the ocean and looking FABULOUS in front of the mailman.

Well, the fact that he can connect with them is not entirely surprising. Plant control is one of his gem powers from rose. So the idea that he can mentally check up on them seems about right.

Well…she has probably met…four humans. At most. Assuming she followed steven to the doughnut one day.

Probably not… but god, that seems like a logical next step with this cluster junk. Just shove shards onto whole gems for power boosts. That seems like an attitude homeworld would use. And Jasper was our homeworld representative up until we saw Giraffe McAngryface.

God… that last discussion on Jasper has made me realize that she may well take a turn I predicted months ago after seeing the mutant fusions: Someone is going to take advantage of the 'glue pieces together to make something powerful' idea and just fuse the shards onto a whole gem.

The cluster's stated wants, along with how steven solves those wants, is interesting. The cluster is a fusion by nature, even if it is a horribly twisted and broken one. And as it has been stated- fusions forget they were ever separate people. And without the distinct, whole minds of the component gems there, the

Functionally, the incredibly straight forward method of resolving the malachite plot without character development seems effective… in setting you up for the cluster problem.

Just thought of something… Peri found ‘appearance enhancers that aren’t fused to your body’ as something novel.

Still, you must admit that the message only worked because of the exact circumstances they were under at that moment- peridot had abandoned the tape recorder as a symbol of her decent into traitorous thoughts, and garnet had eventually calmed her down enough to want it back.

As a note: while Garnet's set up message to steven might seem like it takes away from Garnet's reactions during the previous episode (since…if she knew that steven would listen to peri's tape recorder and give it back to her…then how could she believe peri would betray them with a message to homeworld?), I think it

Well, technically, singing a song for completion is kind of why humans do it too. Humans are creatures whose main features are their imagination and ability to predict behavior and patterns. So our brains are designed to give us 'gold stars' when we do it correctly.

Well, obviously she didn't have enough power to do a very good job of that, now did she? She didn't see Garnet coming…

And that rarity is reinforced by the fact that Sapphire has never fused before.

I had found myself asking prior to this episode whether gems of the same type fusing would just be "Ruby+2"…and that was correct. Even the personalities just seem to seamlessly bleed so that the gems involved don't really notice it.