
…maybe I just wanted that rather than the birth video…

While I understand the politics behind the decision, it is hard to say he was irrelevant before being made irrelevant.

I just didn't think he was that infrequent to exactly be called a 'guest', actually. So I just assumed he was within the budget.

Is there a problem with getting Posehn?

One problem I found here- Sour Cream is basically a nonentity in this episode, and actually manages to speak less than Onion.

That is just it- would she? As I said, you can lie while fused. That means that all your knowledge and experiences are not automatically shared.

Steven's reaction could have been better framed as guilt over not fixing the problem, rather than causing it. In that way, you could frame it as a 'Rose' thing.

Sideburns build moral though. That is leadership 101.

And that result might have been on pages 1 billion right next to the ads for gem enlargement pills.

6 gems- Lapis
8 gems- Peridot and Jasper
9 gems- CENTIPEETLE!!!111222@@

Have you ever tried explaining Steven Universe to a friend?

Kids? You appearantly didn't watch the show.


True, SU doesn't treat problems as 'solved' after they have a nice cry about it at the end of the episode. We have seen that more than enough times with Pearl and Amethyst.

Eh, that is important as a leader- building moral and such. Particularly important in classical battles since you typically had an army of farmers with spears that could just as easily go home and serve whichever lord took over next.

And those multiple things can show how relationships go bad.

Garnet's relationship is a warm cozy cottage filled with carefully selected furiture that is both comfy and appealing. Something that has been built up over a life time.

Yes, but is she the best 'character'?

Other notes-
A.) People can lie while fused. Lie hard. The past two episodes with Pearl fusing were about her having secret intentions.
B.)….I am fairly sure the Garnet's future vision works like google now. She has been furiously doing variations of 'find peridot' and didn't realize she should have looked for

Fantastic relationship dynamics, and interesting insights into fusion dynamics.