
Like the one she punched in order to save the future (well, a few hundred years ago now) lord mayor of london?

Well, I am somewhat worried about what Malachite's developing inner psyche is becoming. Is this going to become a codependent relationship? What the hell would a codependent relationship with yourself even look like? Is it mostly just masochism? Is that what this whole 'bottom of the ocean' thing is?

…I just thought of something…we see how Connie trips up with the teleporter when going to the training field. But that begs a question- how did she get up there to the washing machine at the beginning of the episode?

I doubt that homeworld had a culture that treated gems very well either. She most likely got a lot of support since she tried to treat the other gems as people.

Rainbow Quartz' design might be an indicator of the relationship between Pearl and Rose- As we saw in Sworn to the Sword, she defined their relationship as knight and lord. And while she tries to make Rose important…in the end, she is the one dominating the conversation and pushing her views on Rose.

Or maybe get bits small and broken enough that they can be used for power, but they can be dominated by a central personality (an unbroken gem).

Maybe the gem monsters are 'failed' mass produced gems, and the fusion experiments were an idea of how to 'recycle' the resources after they proved to difficult to use properly.

I think the 'normal' process for making gems is different. During the first episode with the Kindergarten, we see how Pearl views what happened there as 'wrong', and Amethyst still has self image problems because she came from that.

But 'war prisoner experimentation' could include 'forced breeding program'. Especially since I think the homeworld gems are trying to make a new form of super soldier or something.

Well, they are a clear symbol of control and ability to act on the world around you.

Maybe it is the rock paper scissor thing mentioned above-
- Mobility escape power (peridot runs from the Gems),
-Magic control catches Mobility (I doubt Peridot could escape the ENTIRE OCEAN sending chains to grab her)
-Power beats Magic control (when we see how Jasper just grabs her by the ankle- Jasper was also known

Good lord. Those fusions took tones of necromancy, Frankenstein, The Human Centipede, and rape allegories all into one. And at the same time, this was presented in a way that allowed the audience to mirror the character's reactions- an aghast horror from the adult Garnet that she didn't fully want to explain why, and

I think they should recruit saddie next for their militia.

She didn't even get a cool space alien throwing disc for her victory.

Appearantly a former Lord Mayor of London knows the Crystal Gems. Officially.

Damn it Ronaldo (Sugar!) I came into this only knowing the title and a mention of our favorite conspiracy nut! I honestly believed this was a big 2 part episode, rather than just a pretentious naming convention in setting, and a decent meta callback.

There are A LOT of things that would get on her nerves.
A. she still thinks steven is rose. Revealing that is not the fact will confuse her (and make her angry that rose isn't around to fight- and she will blame steven)
B. Fusing, if it is incorporated, obviously
C. Sneaky around about techniques instead of full on

Steven Bomb 2: The Stevening

This could be it. The 'we'll fight together' determination could be the key.

This episode is great since it managed to deal with lingering questions concerning both Connie and Pearl