
He was great in “Toy Story 2.”

My uncle lives in the Elk Terminal lofts. Awesome place.

Hell, you can get Timbits on the Thruway, though...

I wasn’t even talking about City Hall; I was talking about anyone, from City Hall to private developers to any civic-minded citizen that looked at the city and said, “we can work with this.”

Beef on weck > Buffalo wings.

I’ve never officially lived in Buffalo, but my mom is a South Buffalo native and as such, I’ve spent a lot of time in the city both as a kid and an adult, visiting aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Before a bunch of Buffalo jokes start rolling in, I’m going to tell you that this is a city on the verge of a renaissance...in

Well, that’s pilots for you.

Well into six figures...especially if there’s not an already STCed solution out there (which I’m pretty sure there are several for this aircraft from several vendors.)

Nice plane, but it’ll be due for a complete avionics retrofit within a few years. CRT displays are going the way of the dodo (the supplier base is drying up quickly.)

Rapid City, “creative” writing and holding his neighbors in low regard?

This has “jaded NCO stuck at Ellsworth AFB” written all over it.

If ever there were a perfect color for my strictly fictional V70 Cross Country rat rod project...this would be it.

These are all over New England roads in the ‘80s, usually in that silver-blue color (you know which one I’m talking about.)

The headlight washers are an interesting add-on. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe these were offered in the US in the ‘80s.

Oh, yeah: $2k, good condition, interesting to drive,

Window regulator (foreground,) throttle body cleaning (background, if I have time.)


Wow, and I thought yesterday’s Benz was a bit optimistic.

That’s some fantasy-world level pricing, there. Maybe I’m just not “getting” it.

Eh, Batman lost his parents; Superman lost his planet; Ironman has a reactor in his chest.

Nothing is free.

This needs more stars.

If I were to guess, it would be the result of a window regulator repair not completed properly, or maybe just a plastic fastener rivet that has succumbed to age and door open/close cycles.

This is definitely pre-DaimlerBenz era “Eh, just throw that anywhere” workmanship.

Beautifully kept car, no doubt, especially in New Hampshire; New England road salt is not kind to ‘90s sheetmetal. Still, this is a “I’ll take the gamble for $6,000" car, not a $12,900 garage ornament. It’s too nice (and far too expensive to run) to be beaten on as a daily driver; it’s not really much of a collector,

I see your turbo boost and raise you Super Pursuit Mode.