
Heh- my four year old’s favorite song (mostly because mommy is a huge Iowa Hawkeyes football fan, and he’s along for the ride.)

It is now. You get to decide what it is.

We’ve already got that in the form of the SS, which, like all GMs, can convert between metric and Freedom Units at the push of a button.

There’s a solution.

SE model- you’d have to add in the front/rear parking sensors, but it ticks as many boxes as I think one car would.

This dude sounds delusional, BTW.

Jesus, you’re still going on about this?

I’m not even talking about the cars, though they are certainly something you’d see in rural Mass.

The architecture of the home, the design of the garage, the trees, the dude in flannel-it all screams “Massachusetts outside 495,” and the poster confirmed that it was taken in

...and yet, we have confirmation that the picture was taken in Massachusetts. Damnedest thing.

Also...having driven through Akron, I noted it’s decidedly Berkshire-free; as are Rochester and Buffalo. Buffalo looks more like the opening credits to “All in the Family,” anyway.

Hell, it takes off nose-down. It doesn’t climb so much as sort of...levitate.

I was born and raised in North Central Massachusetts. That image could have easily been taken in someplace like Gardner or Orange.

That bottom picture is the most Massachusetts image I’ll see today.

Ownership of Gawker Media, most recently.

I remember a review of the 9-7x saying something like, “it’s a horrible Saab, but it’s an amazing Trailblazer.”

Nope. Looks like an E Class that melted.

Class 11b: A variation on Class 11; instead of being a direct mechanical opener, however, pulling the handle activates a solenoid to pop the door open. I call it the “This Shit’s Gonna Break, Eventually.”

(pictured: my own 2006 Cadillac STS.)

Fire and Rescue crews call them the “Degree of Difficulty.”

Ah, yes...the ol’ Spider Hider.

Montreal’s metro is on tires as well.

I sold my ‘98 S70 for an e39.

The Volvo is the better car- at least at this stage of their respective life cycles.

I’m from New England and live in the Upper Midwest so I’m aware of the inescapability of the clutches of rust...yet these Volvos seem immune.