
NP all day, every day. I hope one of the upgrades was a Viggen Rescue Kit steering rack brace...tough to tell since it looks like the post was deleted.

My ‘02 9-3 5 speed was the most fun I’ve had on four wheels- and I include my Integras and e39 when I say that. Damn, I miss Saab.

I would wait until the kid is in a forward facing seat.

I sat in one at the dealer- it’s really, really small inside. It would be fine for a single driver and a front seat passenger, but unless your rear seat passengers are small children and you don’t buy more than three bags of groceries at Trader Joe’s, you’ll find it to be not very versatile.

It certainly hasn’t aged well.

10 year old me had pretty low standards.

Yup...my mom’s side of the family is in Buffalo. Western New York is car murder, people.

Presidents do it all the time.

This is the worst example. Usually they start rusting behind the door trim line and it spreads from there.

Meanwhile, the only contemporaneous Volvos I’ve ever seen with rust here* have had a poor collision repair.

*Here is Iowa- and before this I lived in Massachusetts and New Hampshire...none of the three places are

I love this body style- Sadly, where I live they all end up looking like this:

I can. I have a feeling they’ve brought Tavarish in to be Jalopnik’s HamNo or Jordan Sargent: basically, write something controversial-to-outrageous, throw it on the blog like throwing a grenade into a debutantes’ ball; and let the chaos (and page clicks) ensue. It’s a good business strategy, really.

Where we, the

There are one or two still here in Iowa; apparently after the parent company folded, the franchisees were allowed to keep the name if they so chose.

Every time I’ve eaten at Cracker Barrel, it was at a time when the absolute last thing I wanted at that moment was a beer.

Their breakfasts are a glorious hangover cure.

I genuinely don’t know where to begin with this one. This is one of the better new designs this year...an evolution of an unmistakably Aston design language that began with the DB7.

I think it’s beautiful.

This was probably done by Jet Aviation or another completion center, but honestly I’m not positive.

For reference, here’s a brand new Bombardier Global 5000.
Looks nice now; in 20 years, when this jet is still flying? You tell me.

Eh, I work in the aviation industry and 90% of my work is in bizjets- most private owners are cheap as hell when it comes to their jets. You may have an exception or two, but for the most part, the interior a private jet is born with is the interior that jet gets parked in the desert with.

Here’s why- it costs a metric shitton and several weeks, if not months, to refit an aircraft interior. Many bizjets WERE manufactured in 1985...to fully refit the interior is a tertiary consideration, after mandated maintenance and avionics upgrades.

You are my hero. COTD.


Could someone with greater Photoshop skills than I please, please, PLEASE correct the spelling on the side of the plane?