
This is so disgusting. Whether or not the Sony executives believe that Dr. Luke sexually abused and raped Kesha (and I believe her), why are they investing so much time and power against her? She does not want to work with him - do they think they’re going to get number one hits from this situation? Do they think that

That was masterful, Bobby. I was like “who could it be?!” wondering what level of horror I would reach ... and then the Lovitz shot. Just NO. I actually said, out loud, in my office all alone “NO”.

This is excellent journalism.

It’s her! She’s pregnant!

Anger is a natural way to react to someone convicted of horrific crimes. That’s why prison reform moves slowly and why human rights violations in prison don’t raise the same outrage as those outside prison. But the worst criminals are still human beings and their treatment reflects on the society that detains them.

So... she has one her trainers teach North basic, age appropriate exercises twice a week? BURN THE WITCH! I can’t see a reason to snark about this. I think there’s nothing wrong with giving young kids a good groundwork for health and fitness. It would be one thing if he was putting a two year old through ridiculous

This story was just on the news here. So, you know, news.

When has ‘young man found dead on property of internationally famous actor’ ever NOT been news?

Um, excuse me sir:

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Ehhhhh, I want to give the benefit of the doubt here, truly. When it comes down to it, I know I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing that one of my daughter’s day care workers hates being there. I’m not asking for it to be their pride and joy or life mission, but as a parent, it would concern me. Especially given how much

I think the reason is perfectly clear.

I laughed really hard at the dog licking the bongoes before playing them for some reason

I've got to admit- "Everyone's Tolkien" is brilliant as far as puns go.