Lelouch vi Britannia

Poe's Law in full effect

If Avatar had better lead performances, it's basically Star Wars. You can give both movies shit for the ultra-generic plot. Star Wars, however, has Vader and Solo. Luke and Leia aren't iconic performances of the same caliber, but they're still better than the male & female leads of Avatar (whatever their names were).

Future access to capital and no backing for other claimants. Robert kept paying the Iron Bank even when Viserys had nothing, no? Circumstances can change very quickly. I also think Tyrion would counsel her not to break with the bank.

Yep, very apt for a fantasy series.

They were both at court for quite a while, in prominent posts too. Littlefinger isn't someone he can overlook, not with only 3-4 kingdoms under their control.

Daario was too hot to bring along. Oh well.

Bran emoted well in early seasons. I think this is on the directors/showrunners.

I thought Yara and Theon only took a small portion of his fleet.

Do you mean Dragonstone? It makes sense as a temporary base. What doesn't make sense is how complicated he's making the landing on the continent.

… In a way that made no sense.

People have a short memory!

The Iron Bank wouldn't be stupid enough to back the psycho queen without talking to the rival claimant first. If Dany's willing to pay the debts (and Tyrion would almost certainly endorse that route), why would they back the regime with an inferior force?

Tycho Nestoris was adamant that the Iron Bank does not deal with slavery. It's not like anyone he was dealing with would care, either, so it doesn't make sense that he's doing it for optics.

But this isn't a historical novel, it's a fantasy saga with established lore. And in that lore, the Iron Bank of Braavos does not deal in slavery.

Littlefinger effectively controls the Vale, I'd hope he knows him.

I thought Cersei had him rape the septa, so it wouldn't be without precedent.

Competent and rather more plot armored. She's had very little fallout considering she murdered the pseudo-medieval Pope, then crowned herself illegitimately. Tarly's switch in allegiance is ridiculous.

The show seems to act as though all the Great Houses' relatives died out. 'Cept the Lannisters, I guess. Sand Snakes, no successor to Lord Tyrell, no more Baratheon claimants to rise up in rebellion and claim the crown after Tommen dies…

We don't really know how dragons develop. They're supposed to be fully grown now, and Balerion's skull did not have scales on it. Dragons are magical beings, it's not plot armor if they develop impenetrable protection as they grow older.

The show might be diverging from the books, but he's pretty clearly the Bloodraven in ASOIAF, no?