Doug does. Doug Alert!!!!!
Was one of the tips in “How to Spot a Liar” to determine if they were recently in the employ of Fox News?
Is it me or is she obsessed with murderers? Is it the Spanx??!
I’ve said it before and will say it again: I will absolutely tune in if Megyn eats a salad dressed with pepper spray for sweeps.
I love how hard Megyn Kelly is tanking now that she’s out of her comfort zone of spewing lies and propaganda
It has always made me feel like a bad feminist, but I’ve always kinda actively disliked Dunham. She seems like such a shit stirrer to me.
Oh just what we need. Another self absorbed, ego maniacal, fame whore, whoes total contribution to the planetary zeitgeist is over consumption and abject selfishness.
Could this not turn into a nightmare inducing 500 days of Jennerfetus?
I’m prepared to get shit for this, but 20 is far too young to have a child. Hell, your damn brain doesn’t fully develop until 25. Yes, she’s rich, which will give the child an imporant leg up in the world.
What about baseball mitt conditioner?
That guy doesn’t really look like Seacrest. Sorry, not seeing it.
I don’t like your missing gams
Don’t like your running, fam
The heels you made me stray
I’m long limbed and I don’t like you
I don’t like your legs you lost
How you laugh now you’re a boss
You said those legs were mine
Isn’t cool, no, I don’t like you (oh!)
Sometimes it feels like you all are thirsty for dirt on Louis CK
So it’s not real? “No.” he responded. “They’re rumors, that’s all that is.”
You guys really need to drop this. It’s making you look bad. The original story was about an unidentified male beloved comic who likes to masterbate in front of women and you tried to guess who it was.
The fact that he’s making fun of the allegations in his special makes it obvious he doesn’t give a fuck about the rumors. For someone who self-reflects a lot in his work and frets over human foibles, this makes me think they’re likely not true.