
In my day dads got their #1 dad mug and a bottle of old spice and they liked it! The shit I see now on social media reminds me of weird, hormone-addled poetry I wrote about the boy I liked from home room in 7th grade.

It always comes down to this.

Call me naive, but that’s one of those situations that proves the old cliché, “the good will always prevail over the evil”. At some times, evilness, evil people, evil happenings, seems so strong and prevalent that we are tempted to despair. But history has proven time and time again that, in the long run, the good

Man. I was raised by an atheist and an agnostic, and while I believe what I believe, I’ve never felt that there was any necessity for a third party to stand between me and whatever I believe in. And so many people who call themselves Christians drive me absolutely batshit.

How ‘crotchety dad’ am I allowed to be over how many phones are in the shot?

I’m willing to give Huck a half a point here, because the contortions some people go through to excuse Roman Polanski have always confused me.

I need a whole session of fucking de Loyola’s spiritual exercises to keep down my desire to commit violence to this face when it’s frozen in this truly pathetic expression.

Jaycee Dugard was held for 18 years, Steven Stayner for seven, and we’re all aware of the Cleveland women being held for decades. Nine months is a pretty short time compared to those. I mean, what is supposed to be “normal” for a kidnapping?

I can sleep comfortably at night knowing that I’m doing my part to stick it to companies like Adidas and Nike by buying their much cheaper knockoffs at near authentic quality.

Ray McDonald didn’t knock a woman out cold on camera.

The DOJ likely will put a lot of pressure on the current/former FIFA execs indicted in the US case to roll on Blatter and his cronies regarding the World Cup bids. So you are correct in saying that there are two parallel investigations, but the leverage in one should provide some significant evidence in the other.

This is an interesting look into the pathology of how us Jezzies feel about a guy whipping his dick out. People seem to be amused, bemused, and/or ambivalent about Pratt doing it, but in a million and one other circumstances a guy who does this would be derided as a creep.

Yet when I pull my junk out it’s “illegal” and i “go to jail” and “get a restraining order” wtf is with this double standard

Why is it funny when Chris Pratt whips it out but creepy when almost every other man does it?

“I’m not being defensive! You show me where I’m defensive! You don’t even know what defensive means! Why are you so mean to me? All I want to do is insult strangers! Waaaaah!”

You seem to have misunderstood the purpose of a discussion forum.

She’d probably be more pissed off at being described as elderly.

to quote many and internet commenter, is this really the hill you want to die on? Defending a fuck face who pushed an old lady out of his way?

This is like Christmas come early. I honestly don’t know how they could have made this worse. They look dumber, and more guilty, than ever.

Um, yes. All over him.