Lelantos Lynx

then you would be out 20 bucks. nintendo has done a great job delivering in recent years. they have not made any promises they could not keep. we havent hear the words “please understand” pretty much since iwata’s passing. come to think of it, that might be why we havent heard them. iwata was great but he was too

He was one of the first people to give indie-games a spotlight. Countless game devs would have likely failed without him. He changed gaming, that’s not far-fetched at all.

Funny you mention that, because there is literally a comment in here calling him a Nazi/Nazi-enabler. It’s like they root for people with differing opinions to die, shits crazy in the Kotaku comments and it is infuriating.

He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.

Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?

RIP Totalbiscuit.

I feel like the major issue with pushing the boundaries of gaming doesn’t rely on the hardware, but the cost and complexity of development. We are hitting the road block of games being too complex and too large in scale to the point where it isn’t cost effective to the developer. The ps4 is doing great, making great

On the other side of the coin the gaming market wouldn’t be as big or prevalent without consoles. Plus, the longer consoles wait until they launch a new gen, the bigger the graphical leap when it does happen. Sony is also supposedly helping AMD with their new processor so if we get a Zen 2 in the ps5 I’d be pretty

You can have quite a bit of fun with multi-millions and not be evil. You don’t even have to be that creative. Buy a boat or a plane or a movie theater. Or go on a boat, plane, or movie theater every day. Or retire early. Or build a house.

They can be unapologetically evil in the US, but Google’s Canadian subsidiaries are required to be apologetically evil.

I actually followed this logic, and I have an equally inscrutable explanation:

The existence of vehicles/weapons that weren’t in the first game was usually just hand waved by saying that the Pillar of Autumn and/or the Covenant fleet didn’t happen to have those with them when they arrived on Halo.

My accidental hoarding of Hibiki (I keep buying it and forgetting that I already bought it and buying more) is looking pretty smart right now.

*stores the remnants of my Hibiki 17 in cryogenic stasis*

This is too fucking funny, my friends and I shop there all the time. Poor guys.

Actor here!

I always assume that they don’t see the whole picture, maybe? Whatever this idiot THINKS she was saying or making a statement about, that may have translated to something completely different to others in a 2 second part.

I survived the video, only to see the message ‘if I were a man, you wouldn’t be asking who wrote this.🖕’

Smartly made movies with relevant social commentary tend to get good praise and box office reception. :)

This is awesome, but can we also agree that Black Panther is basically an alternate Fresh Prince of Bel Air where instead of adopting him, Aunt Viv had ordered Will’s father assassinated?