
I bought a Saturn (Opel) Astra back in 2008. I put good tires (almost $280 a tire) on it, lifted it up 1.5 inches, and if you turned off traction control... that stupid little car would crawl through snow that hit my windshield.

When the in laws come over, I use old underwear as makeshift coffee filters.

Looks fine to me.

This is why I put my money in a sock instead of investments or a bank. You’re speaking latin, and I understand latin.

It’s a subscription theatre service.

I probably would have picked up a PS5 by now if it wasn’t a crap shoot. Which is why I’m glad we’re seeing more PC ports.

I wore a Borat bikini during my last grocery trip and was asked to leave. They just couldn’t handle the sexy.

I use a belt sander with 20 grit paper.

Square did the right thing phasing out the PS2 with FFXI, and the PS3 with FFXIV. It’s not a bad thing to move on.

I’ll buy it if it doesn’t suffer from poor build quality and I find an extra $50,000 in the next few years.

They’re the same picture.

Can I get that condom I lent you back after you’re done with it? I wanted to have sexy times tonight. Just make sure to rinse it out for me.

I heard only pedos and stinkies play it.

If it’s anything like the shift in EU, it will be a 4-day work week with 35-40 hours. I believe in Federal jobs, 36 hours is considered full time in Canada. 

Make sure there’s no asbestos. My plans for my attic got postponed until I can get all the old insulation professionally removed.

And then all the disgraced Smash Bros elite players who had to retire due to sexual misconduct charges start attending tournaments in full-size Patrick costumes, hiding their identity, and throw full-fledged cosplay orgies with underage competitors.

Did the characters end up having unique voice lines or is just a silent fighter?

Can I have it?

I think it’s half Kinja and half the moderators trying to keep bad press away from articles.

I got a little chub from it.