
Lol. Really?

OMG. Pop culture on a TV show. I know the answer to this is if anyone wants to know.

Probably an unpopular opinion but I’m not exactly happy about where they sent him. I dunno.

Here I thought I was old. You’re welcome to think they look like teens but have you considered that you’re seeing what you want to see?

You must be new. Never venture to 4chan or the depths of Reddit out of curiosity. Your will to live will be destroyed. 

Where’s my Final Fantasy XI for Switch? :(

LGR is life. I wish I was that cool at 30.

Sorry I’m just a pleb from Canada who has spent a lot of time in the USA.

I try to keep up to date but I fail at that when things get busy. 

Why not use the Iranian deal as a template? I mean, I know the GOP hated it but it allowed for nuclear power within the country while maintaining a regulatory body that oversaw the country went forward and actually denuclearized. 

I keep reading autism instead of Austin. 

A friend of mine worked for a professional fireworks company in Saskatchewan and he always swiped a few leftovers after Victoria Day or Canada Day.... so I wouldn’t put professional mortars out of the question. They’re definitely out there in the wild. 

I’m not sure I get the socks or shirt thing but the diaper makes sense. Usually there is just a poolside shower with fresh water to rinse before and after you enter the pool 

Off the wall comments again without any consideration for perspective.

You’ve pretty much laid out my argument on a platter for anyone who hasn’t actually watched GDQ. These folks have been involved with GDQ for 8 years. They should know better.

Oh I agree with what you’re saying but their standards are so sporadic that they’re difficult for streamers to follow.

I’ll stick to my guns on this one. I like the idea behind GDQ but it seems the censorship of the runners and strict mothering by the staff are really impacting the runs. They all seem uncomfortable, cringy and without much personality. There are of course exceptions but I went from donating a few $1000 dollars over

These extended runs are the only things I still watch at any GDQ. The other, shorter, runs have just become a cringy mess of bad jokes, censorship and uncomfortable runners worried their going to get banned. 

Or he could have done it even earlier and there would be even more tears nourishing the internet.

Your sweet, sweet tears are exactly why this is hilarious. The other people didn’t even call timeout and no hitting backsies! He should be flayed alive the fucker.

I’m offended by the name of this amazing movie. The studio that produced it should change it to “Mystery People.”