
I was a Scout here in Canada for 3-4 years as a kid. We had plenty of girls and boys in the same troop, learning the same things, going on camps, hikes, and to events. My memory is probably remembering things wrong, but I’m pretty sure it was 50/50 or even 60/40 in the girls’ favor. Many of them had no interest in the

I was one of the lucky few. I didn’t get the land I wanted (mansion) but an FC got it, which I’m fine with. My solo character would be rotting away in that giant house. Instead, I got a small beach front cottage nestled in between two giant properties.

I played back in 1.0, quit and came back in Stormblood. I play

Is it just me or do those girls on stage not live up to the expectations someone has when going to Hooters. Their chesticles seem to be lacking in.. girth.

I am so sorry. I need to correct you....

Oh it does but it also makes them a bit smarter. I play one file with some friends online on normal difficulty and battles they feel are hard, I feel are an absolute joke.

I understand and I felt that same way when I started on the boat. It took me 6 hours just to get off.

I’m a 90's child and didn’t have a PSX until FFVIII came out. I had FFVII on PC but the PC was so slow I couldn’t get past the first mission due to load times. The timer would continue while the battles and zones would load, eventually leading to my untimely demise.

Big spoilers.

I’m about to spoil something, please stop reading.

I’m still about to spoil it.....

I just watched the series again a few months ago and I was really not into it like I was when it first came out. Maybe it was because all of my friends were into it the first time around and pressured me into picking it up. Personally, I never started watching until Season 3.

The ending isn’t bad, if you binge watch

Great image! I can’t wait for my very own experience. The question is, who will be there to snap the photo?

I’m probably the only guy alive who doesn’t find her all that attractive as Daenerys.

How do you pronounce that? I read it as “whip-pee-poe.” However, I’m just a dumb Ukrainian-Canadian.

That referee looks to appear out of nowhere.

That’s me in just about every MMO I have ever played. Bravely exploring, queuing, and progressing, alone.

As a physician, have you seen an increase in tick related illnesses?

Personally, I’ve been all around the world. Australia. Thailand. New Zealand. Fiji. Hawaii. Southern Europe. All over Western Canada and 30/50 states in the USA. I have never had any sort of vaccination or immunization other than what my RN Father

During the last 15 years I’ve spent so much time in the bush all over North America. From Northern BC to Tennessee, everyone around me gets ticks but I don’t. They crawl on me yet I have never been bitten.

And for the record, I’m a Medical School dropout. There’s nothing special about me or my situation. I work hard. I save my money, don’t buy shit I don’t need and am much happier being OUT of debt than in debt.

If I could not afford an HDTV ($420 for a 52" at Walmart), I would be happy watching old VHS versions of

Balgonie. Unless it’s the weekend and I’ve polished off a bottle of Jack Daniels, I can count the amount sleep I get everyday on one hand. For the last 15 years. My sleep journals and my dream journals can testify to that.

He either creeps me out or brings out my bisexual tendencies. It all depends on how much marijuana I’ve smoked.

Okay, so, email sent. Time to find out what’s going on with this little treasure of a jalopy.