
Holy Moly... I’ve been looking at 944's in BC and Ontario for months now. I have a soft spot for those cars due to a 1989 Porsche 944 my Father owned, who sold an Uncle who blew then engine, who in turn sold it to a mechanic friend, who subsequently dropped an LT1 engine into it. I’ve wanted one as a daily driver out

As a lifelong insomniac who has tried everything under the sun. I have been to sleep clinics, have been on a number of different medications, tried homeopathic remedies, exercise to the point of utter and complete exhaustion; I can say, with utter and complete clarity, just embrace your insomnia. Give your friends,

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Hideo reminds me of Carson Clay. The creator, director, producer, actor, writer, editor and filmographer of the greatest film within a film, ever.

Internet culture makes me sick to my stomach.

Personally, besides PewDiePie’s obnoxious and ridiculous attitude, I have no fault with the man. He cashed in on a market that no one else took advantage of. Yet, whatever happened to the true meaning of the Internet? Old Saint Nicolas would be very mad with how things

When I was 16, recently graduated from highschool, I was going to spend some time in Australia working with my Uncle’s drilling company. I hated the flight there, it was packed, I was stuck between two overweight individuals and it was my first international flight.

Uh oh. I just fell victim to Foot in Mouth disease. I should have read the complete post before jumping to conclusions.

"We're sorry! Please, give us more of your money by buying intangible, digital products. Thank you!

I'm not sure how everyone confused the meaning of the title of this article. You're either silly or looking for something to post about.

I haven't played Destiny, but it sounds very much like the problems people had with FFXI. Eventually the fans and the community created their own resources to bridge the lack of infrastructure Squeanix provided.