
But…it's summertime! Won't a car made of cream go sour very rapidly in all this humidity?

Hey, I liked it as well…Except for the killing Zod part. But I actually am one of the few who thought Superman Returns was a better homage, considering how hard they worked to match the look and feel of the first 2 films.

It does for me…

*slips on a pair of sunglasses*

Exorcist III is probably my favorite film in the franchise…it just oozes creepiness.

Definitely a fun sequel, and much better than the next one.

I loved that poster, lol.

Mmmm boppa um Mao Mao, Mao Mao Ze Dong!

Oh, I know…I just want to see them do an "official" one again. But Tales was closer in tone to the first movie than the second one was, you're right about it being a spiritual successor to the franchise.

I think the fact that they lost the whole "comic book" look of the first one really hurt the film. That, and 2 of the 3 segments were unbelievably grim, unlike the first film's tongue-in-cheek script. Then again…this movie is "Casablanca" compared to that shitty third movie. I wish Romero and King would do another one

Just from reading the description, I immediately thought of Ghost Master as well. Loved that game.

Have to disagree on one point…Book of Love was pretty funny, and the new characters in that one were fairly fun to watch. But, yeah, the other spinoff movies were pretty lousy.

Crap, I thought I found it first!

"Rossi would attempt to reignite his career with several different comedy partners, never achieving the popularity he had enjoyed with Rossi."

Yeah, but in return for being so cruel to him, he gives them a winter wonderland. Prejudice pays off, and they all(except Edward) get to have happy lives in the aftermath. Hell, even Winona's character ends up having kids and grandkids and a pretty great life. As indictments go, it seems pretty mild on the lesson, as

As someone who has a physical disability, but not a mental one, I find a lot of these kinds of portrayals as offensive as blackface would be to an Afro-American. I remember 2 examples in my teens quite clearly, both Tim Burton films: Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns. In the former, the message seems to be that,

There were 2 sequels? They couldn't even get the original Jobe to be in the 2nd one…who needed a paycheck enough to make a 3rd one?

Are You There, Godzilla? It's Me, Margaret….

A show based on that Buffy movie? It'll go 6 episodes, max!

Isn't that the sequel to "Who Framed Virginia Wolf"?