
But that's only because 2 Wongs don't make a White…

I look forward to the inevitable mockbuster by The Asylum, "Enchantment: The Assembling", starring Tara Reid, Gary Busey and Udo Keir.

Spore had massive amounts of(wasted) potential, and almost no support from EA…If they had given it updates and regularly-scheduled improvements like they do with every Sims release, it might have become a better game as it went along. Designing creatures was fun, but the game didn't give us much to do with them after

Man, I'm glad I didn't impulse-buy this when it was released…but I'll check out the new version when it's out.

Cool, didn't realize that, as I've only seen the movies and show…then that's probably how they'll tie the show and the movies that are being made together.

If he shows up in the credits of The Simpsons next week instead of Bart at the blackboard, I'm blaming this discussion…

Of course he knows what integrity…..if Shia's into nitty, he's into gritty. Wait…what were we talking about again?

The Neighbors is probably the most underrated show I've seen in years. The first episode I ever watched was that Jersey Shore/Desperate Housewives spoof last year, and I've been hooked ever since. And the addition of the theme song is pretty funny as well. It would be a good show to pair up with SubPurgatory.

It's like that creepy SNL sketch, where John Belushi in old-man makeup is dancing on the graves of the rest of the cast, because he outlived them all. First time I had ever seen that sketch was a few years after his death, and it gave me chills.

Also, when he was being questioned, the Ron Glass character made a specific reference to whatever they did to Coulson as "ungodly", which I thought was a pretty specific choice.

They could even hire Sylar to eat the brain of the villain of the week…

Just glanced at my queue, and only 1 movie is affected by this….for a guy who constantly pushes the 500-movie limit, that's kinda extraordinary. Never realized what an advantage being a terrible-movie fan was until today!

I always felt bad for her. Lauer and Roker were both enormous douchebags to just about every female co-worker, and she had been on there for years, just trying to get through each broadcast by ignoring their stupid antics. She didn't deserve the crap she got from hem.