
HA! I thought the same thing. Could you just imagine all pearl-clutching, shaming, and faux moral/ethical outrage from both conservatives and some feminists that would go down if Beyoncé and Michelle Obama were to publicly kiss?

It also sometimes seems like both sexes are taught unhealthy messages about how they're wanted sometimes. You have women being taught from an early age that all men young and old are super horny predatory creatures, naturally have less self-control, and are desperate to get into the panties of virtually any female-

It seems like both sexes sometimes have a little bit of a problem thinking they're always wanted,

Yep. There were a few feminists who were willing to defend and agree with him back when his biggest offenses were slut-shaming, hypocrisy, and refusing to check his privilege before telling both white women and women of color what they should and should not be doing with their bodies. But now, with his comments about

There were a few feminists who were willing to defend and agree with him when his biggest offense was slut-shaming, but now, between his comments about transgender people, his defense of a pedophile and his pedophile-enabling family, and his somewhat viol

I thought basically the same thing. I hope they remake it and update it with some intersectional issues- that would make it even more awesome.

Except for on conservative or MRA blogs, or if you happen to encounter a random conservative/MRA online somewhere who voices that view.

Just imagine the nepotism the little girl will benefit from in life, with Diana Ross as her grandmother and Jessica Simpson as her aunt. Kind of lucky.

Ariana is bratty and entitled and expects to be carried when she’s tired of performing in high heels, but I wouldn’t say she ‘acts like a sexy child’. Her style is both ‘sexy’ and hyper-feminine at the same time, and there are some elements of it that seem influenced from anime and Betty Boop, but thigh-high boots,

Oh my god, I can already see the slut-shaming and cries of "Women are so oppressed because there's a grown woman posing NAKED!" commentary that will be all over the comment section of celebitchy tomorrow. The richest part is that it will be from some of the same feminists and liberals who were arguing that things like

Fuck the dumb bigots. I've had it up to here with the Prude Crowd lately. Nowhere in the bible does it say 'thou shalt not take birth control', 'thou shalt not pay for other people's birth control', or 'thou shalt not provide healthcare coverage to people who may be taking birth control'. This isn't about religious

Ugh. Another example of the power of the prude police in society. So annoyed by the level of influence and power and platform the 'make everything wholesome and traditional' crowd is given.

I agree with you that it's a bad way to reason, but unfortunately, it is the way a lot of people reason. Even some liberals and feminists are like that- if they don't 100% understand another woman's reasons for doing something- especially if it's something pertaining to her body or her physical appearance- and don't

I didn't know Ivanka was racist too. I thought it was just her dad.

Sort of off topic but: I just can’t with the whole “Rich women aren’t allowed to be feminists or express feminist beliefs because capitalism” comments you sometimes see on this and other feminist sites. (Not saying that’s what the original commenter is saying). It’s like so does that mean rich people can’t speak out

Bette Midler, I'm confused. Why didn't you call him a whore?

The only people who are really up in arms about the America comments are the patriotic/conservative/fox news/Cyber Bigot crowd, and they’ve been more outraged and vitriolic about THAT than the actual licking of people’s food since day one. Of course they’re bringing race (for some it’s the fact that they think she’s

I think that's what she was talking about when she mentioned 'my disgusting behavior', but still. I think she should do more than just a public apology to the general public- she needs to make a personal apology to the owners of the restaurant and find a way to pay them back for what she did.

We LIBERALS don’t care about the I hate America comment.

True. Other feminists on here are ready to excommunicate Beyoncé, Miley, Kim K, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, and Taylor Swift- and other female celebrities on here from the feminist movement for far less serious 'offenses'- like being sexy/immodest/openly sexual, having insecurities about their bodies, working