
It’s a series not a miniseries.

My friend was at the game but had to leave early to make his flight.


While that might be true, they’ve lost a hell of a lot more viewers from when they were the Attitude Era vs the current PG Era.

The disappearance of Walt’s storyline drives me the most crazy. They could have easily brought him back when they do the flash forward to explain his growth.


Cena? Jesus....

IGN has never met a game they didn’t like.

About a month away? It’s out in 10 days.

About a month away? It’s out in 10 days.

Holy shit you got wrecked so hard and you can’t even deal with it.

Hyde is the worst. I don’t feel bad for anyone in this story.

The Lesnar call out was the moment of the night for me. Such a WWE thing to do.

Oops, I can’t read. Ignore this.

And Joker retired as well so HERE COMES FEDERER!!! #19!!

That headline makes no sense.

I bought this game after all the hype and found it disappointing. It was so talky and underwhelming. I’m probably wrong about it and didn’t give it enough of a chance but played for a few hours and it was just a lot of me clicking ‘X’ through dialogue and learning new fighting stances.

Maddon has been really weird with him though. He’ll start a game, hit a HR, then be benched for two games. Then hit another HR and benched for another 3 games. (Yes against lefties because he doesn’t hit lefties well but...) I’m shocked he’s even in the lineup today. I assumed after the grand slam he’d be benched

But that click-bait headline though.

The worst part to me is that the ratings have actually been great this year for the playoffs.

The Six is so embarrassing. Trying to pander to an audience that doesn’t exist. It’s hard to feel badly for ESPN when they air garbage like that.