
Judging by their past bugs, I expect this will be patched in time for Dark Souls 5, unless a fan patch comes out in 2 hours that fixes this bug, doubles the frame rate and makes the controls more responsive.

A: I think you’re short-selling “the Marvel Method” rather a lot (you’re also vastly over-simplifying it. The first Iron Man followed the character beats of Spider-Man pretty closely, but none of the other Marvel movies really did, save in the most general sense that 2/3 of all “hero’s journey” sorts of tales do).

Thanks I only have a few more until I get bingo.

“This Superman is not a noble, selfless alien who cannot help but do good in the nick of time. He’s a selfish narcissist whose major failings are all caused by his inability to see himself in relation to the world”

It seems that the narrative of negative reviews is that the film is poorly constructed, confusing, and lacking internal logic. The positive reviews of this film seem to completely ignore those arguments in favor of a focus that everybody is missing the bigger themes that Snyder dares to address.

As a DC and Batman fan, I am not associated with those people who claim to be fan and say “This movie is amazing! Marvel idiots just don’t get it!” Also here:

April Fools Day was yesterday.

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

Donald Trump isn’t like any other politician and that’s why he’s great

probably the worst defense of the movie I have found on the internet so far. Congratulations.

This is as bad if not worse then the yahoo “Marvel fans can’t comprehend how deep Batman v Superman is” articles

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Like Batman: Sub-Zero being so much better than Batman & Robin’s Mr. Freeze movie, World’s Finest stomps all over BvS.