
No, absolutely not. Once the government can ban speech based on the opinion it conveys, a very dangerous pandora’s box is opened. Banning hate symbols now seems great. But do you trust the legistlature/president to always make good decisions about what ideas to ban? for the indefinite future? obviously not. We’ll

What does race have to do with this story? stop trolling

I’m confused — why might they be reprimanded? because they support trump?

Depositions get postponed/rescheduled all the time.

She murdered an innocent person. That idea should be reinforced.

If you kick it forward on offense, you lose possession — i.e. a punt. In this case, his kick essentially created a fumble, which becomes a live ball (like punching the ball out of someone’s arms).

How can we say that the suit “rightfully claims” anything? This is just a complaint. Nothing’s been proven “right” yet.