
It's a fun film. Give it a go.

Yeah an IMAX movie followed by a TV sequel, followed by an already exsisting and possibly connected TV series. Could be interesting

So Saturday is considered as bad or worse?

Was this reply meant for me? Seems to be answering a different question.

Same slot after Inhumans ends it's run, apparently.

Do we know which Friday this starts on?

Non-American asking: Why is Friday considered such a bad thing?

I'd love Wong to turn up at the end of the next episode to collect the Darkhold.

Needed more Mon-El.

This season of SHIELD has been excellent, and I would say better than the recent Netflix stuff.

Yeah cos other films in other genres never need to introduce any characters.

How do you see it panning out then?

Not really.

An 8 episode thing might be the right amount then?

I'm sure the main focus will be how and why they evolved, the internal power conflict, and the move to Earth.

Should be easy enough for the two to work together.

Reminds me of early pictures of Thor - looks dodgy but (hopefully) will turn out great.

Bumps foward?

Maybe to make us think Wally was Savitar?

I hope they have a good reason for him killing Iris.