
The first MCU Thor film is great!

I hope it is funny but without sacrificing drama and consequences.

I reckon Legion will connect to the rest of the FoX-Men universe in someway, but I haven't figured out how yet.

Also we don't know how long the gap is between Team Flash getting back to Earth-1 and Grodd capturing Gypsy.

I feel they may have wasted Mirror Master and Alchemy a little.

Well spotted, you were right

Well spotted, you were right!

Maybe a lead-in for their involvement in Infinity War 1 and/or 2?

First 2 episodes in IMAX I thought?

Interesting that they are focusing on Maximus but it makes sense - a mute good guy as the lead wouldn't really work.

They should do a cosmic trilogy for X-Men 7/8/9.

"Both Fox and Kinberg have denied the claims, but rumors…"

Both Fox and Kinberg have supposedly denied the claims,

He has been in Gorilla City since he was banished in a previous season so maybe he has attained the position of second-in-command (and perhaps an Earth-1 super gorilla is more intelligent than an Earth-2 super gorilla?)

As well as Earth-1 Wells, Thawne-as-Wells, Earth-2 Harry, HR, and Wells as Grodd there is the Earth-17 Wells (where they speak in archaic terms) and the briefly seen Hells Wells and also the French-speaking/mime Harrison Wells - both from as yet unnumbered Earths.

I expected to hate this episode but it was prime Supergirl; they embraced a potentially silly concept/character from the comics, it was funny, there was a clear theme and plot, everyone got something to do. Good fun!

I think he meant it as the "other Black Superhero" next to the other ones we know - e.g. War Machine and Falcon.

^^This, but since it's a flashback movie Black Widow, Hawkeye and Nick Fury have already been killed in Infinity War.

Is Nick Fury that important to the MCU nowadays? His story peaked in Winter Soldier and, although they should've included him in Civil War, I don't think he's essential to any of the already announced films.

Maybe news outlets should wait until a director has been picked and formally announced before reporting that one has been picked?