
Might be interesting if she becomes full villain for an episode, goes missing, and then returns for a small villain arc in the next season - kind of how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is splitting their current season.

It's like Johnny and Sue Storm getting together!

My point is that a hugely successful film (Deadpool) and a very promising looking upcoming film (Logan) are X-Men stories "only tangentially related to X-Men".

Isn't Darhk dead in the future? That's a good reason to change things.

Does Darhk still have magic since he lost the Idol in Arrow?

Like Deadpool and Logan!

I felt First Class and DoFP were excellent, whereas Deadpool wasn't that great - but it's all subjective!

Do they continually fuck them up though? There's been some great stuff in the last 16 years and it looks like they are really starting to branch out in the stories and styles - Deadpool, Logan, Legion, New Mutants etc.

The first X-Men film was about two mutants eventually finding themselves as part of the X-Men. Perhaps the show will have a similar arc?

I'm looking forward to this. I think it would be nice for characters that don't get much screen time in the films to pop up in the show and maybe characters appearing in the show to pop up for cameos in the films.

Who comes back as a villain and joins the Legion of Doom?

There's some stiff competition…

All will be revealed!

Haha, yes Joe's picture only highlighted the oddness of their relationship.

From Wikipedia - "McSnurtle the Turtle" appears as the childhood stuffed animal of Iris West in the "Revenge of the Rogues" episode of The Flash.

I thought the future headline was Gorilla singular, rather than plural?

Great episode.

Do WHEN do we think this will be set? Presumably it can't be 2017 as then it would be decades ahead of the films.

It seemed Wynn lost and regained his groove all in this episode though.

The Guardian and Alex plots were pointless and should have been dropped completely.