Leigh Philips

Farrah Moan hemmed everything you saw on her this evening.


I will join you in this silent minority. This started SO strongly and finished as you summed up. #meh :P

OMG - I JUST got the full extent of that Revenge joke right now reading your comment.

I'll site through the whole rambling thing as long as Ru asks her at the end "How's your head?"

I caught the chicken episode while staying at a hotel and just fell for Logan and his "chickens are pretty nice people" line - couple that with his bow ties and that SIDE EYE for a screaming Abby. Classic. I'm glad he won - seems like a sweet kid - and yeah, it was sad that Sean was cut.

I had tears at the end - and even clapped when they confirmed Clara/Jenna would be back. This season started out rough, but steadily improved (barring a couple WTF episodes) - I'm firmly in Camp Clara; she's grown so much over this particular series. After the worry of the beginning, I'm super excited again about

I agree - Lisa & Laura had me in tears tonight, as I was laughing. I just love this show.

I saw this as a direct call back to Season 1 - where Val is attempting something *she* sees as important but real life "shits all over it". I have no worries for Mickey, who's is going naturally grey. :P