Marcus Carab


I think they've done a really good job of subtly setting up *one* specific, critical thing about Jimmy that she is beginning to notice: his *complete* inability/refusal to accept any blame for anything.

Sigourney Weaver will surely make an awesome, compelling nemesis. So: how long before the show concludes her arc to focus on all-ninjas-all-the-time?

There is exactly one thing missing from Jimmy's speech to Kim: any acceptance of blame or admission of error. He takes *responsibility* — but is utterly blind to the idea that he might actually be at *fault*. It's beautiful writing.

It also lacked the intrigue of last week's equivalent sequence (there was a much more enjoyable and unique mini-detective-story told within Mike's segment in that episode). Plus while both were well-shot, that one also included some heavily stylized segments like the car-disassembly sequence set to music to balance

Have you watched the Polite Fight episodes about season two? They are a great way to start thinking about the show cinematographically

However, I *love* how they had Jimmy pull his watch off at the end — like after a scene of watching him be painfully awful at everything (at one point I genuinely began to wonder how this even fit alongside his established con-artist abilities) reminding us that he does have some skillz.

Not just fucking up the paint job — specifically fucking up the bottom part of the M (that had already been deemed crooked).

What's up with Ernie's car, though? I took that as a clue he may well be involved with Gus's operation in some way… The show has already put forth "nerdy guy with ridiculous car" in that way. Though of course Ernie doesn't have any of the abrasiveness of that guy in S1.

The way they mix comedy in really is incredible. It's been true since Breaking Bad. I remember when I first heard that Bob Odenkirk had been cast and I simply could not envision how that would work at all. Obviously a big part of that is due to me underestimating Odenkirk's dramatic acting chops, but I also

Am I really the first to mention Lil Dicky's new video for Pillow Talking?

Forget "every sitcom ever made" — more like "virtually every story ever told"

@avclub-fbb2edb68e804720ff2593eff56ae190:disqus Indeed — I think the two of them are struggling to cultivate their image, and that was a misstep. You could almost *hear* it in their voices as they realized that advice was a bit too low class, so afterwards they immediately pivoted from hardware stores to sushi bars.

Heh yeah. Like while still horrible, what she was saying *almost* made sense with regards to the "smile with your eyes" part — but she seems undecided as to whether the issue is the sunglasses hiding the woman's eyes or them somehow *making her blind and unable to see smiles*

The true red flag of the paragraph describing him was not the "writer" or the "Brooklyn" or the "Adonis" or the "philosophy" or the "violin" or the "seven languages" or even the combination of them all — it was, in fact, the part where he was "quick to note" those things.

Maybe not even paid for but just schmoozed into existence or horse-traded for somehow - but yeah, that mother-daughter team is clearly behind it.

His wife and mother are "professional matchmakers" who have a podcast about dating. I subjected myself to some of it. They repeatedly say "men like thin women" and have an entire episode dedicated to fat shaming. And, in general, they say lovely things. Here are some choice quotes, and I swear I'm not making this up:

If you're hoping she's dumped him, you may have missed the part where she and her mother run a professional matchmaking service and their entire marriage sounds like some sort of inept publicity stunt (of which this article was phase two).

When I saw Watchmen in the cinema, the entire crowd *laughed* at the (spoilers) ending scene where Dr. Manhattan blows up Rorschach. Such a heavy and intense and important moment from the original story - and it looked so fucking silly on screen, in a movie that had failed to build any weight into its story in the

I've re-watched GoT S1 a few times, including once since the most recent season, and I think it still holds up extremely well and remains my favourite in a lot of (maybe not all) regards.