
While I hate that no standing was the reason for this law to be struck down, meaning the law itself was not reviewed on its merits (although it sounds like the court may have thrown some shade at the reasons for this bigoted bullsh*t), I’m thrilled it was struck down. My mom, who’s otherwise a solid liberal, tried to

I hated mine, it hurt removing it, not horribly, but enough to make me dread using it. It’s also fairly messy and while I’m not grossed out by menstrual blood, the mess and the pain just made this a total no go for me.

Um, many of us women enjoy porn too.

Now playing

This headline immediately made me think of this video, which makes me so happy because I hadn’t thought of it in ages.

you don’t just hire michael k williams...for such a tragically short amount of time

Blah, blah, blah, bring back the hot man! (teasing :P).

Haha, I went there too as soon as I saw this headline! :p