
We all have the biggest crush on Dro.

I find Weekend Update to be the weakest link on SNL, but I do love the two who play the Trump boys!

Was anyone else deeply annoyed when the alleged rapist broke down the door and grabbed the fire extinguisher to put out the flames? WHY couldn't the teenage girl have grabbed it herself when the fire first started?! OMG! And standing around in a corner yelling at him to "hurry", sh*t I thought we did slightly better

Well done, A+! xD

The actor playing Zack really is perfect, everything about him - manner, face, even his voice - makes me want to punch him. Stupid teenage wiener.

The French embrace this concept and kids there are taught to enjoy a variety of foods. It's even a badge of honor when the kids have an open-minded palate!

I want to watch, but nooo, I hate when they kill the dog (animals)! :o

Definitely The Expanse, great show!

The show is cute, I'm liking it overall, but I'm a little squicked out by the dog discussing his relationships with others in basically romantic terms.

We've now had some 20 hours of television without providing much of any detail about the aliens. That's too much narrative foot dragging for me, and to me indicates writers may not actually know where and how they want their own story to go. We've seen good shows go bad (Josh Holloway already stared in one of those)

I'm not sure Shosh is really the "smart, well-adjusted one", I think she came off as a b*tch. And marrying some dude at like 25 she only recently met (per her own admission, although we don't know the actual timeline) sounds pretty f*cking unsmart and doomed to failure to me. I hope this isn't the last we see of Shosh

I love these political thriller shows, but, ugh, there's a lot of bad going on here. The President possibly not being his teenage son's biological father…so? If anything him NOT being the bio dad makes him look better, a real stand up guy who loves his son despite the paternity issue (and in this day of remarried

Josh Groban? Is this guy supposed to be a thing we find interesting as a Piggy beau?!

I think Ginj said "I flood my basement" which really makes a lot more sense…