Gjenbrukt, urelatert kommentar

As a clam!

I thought the over-the-tobness of the accents was paht of the joke, as it wuh.

I remember
when Lars Ulrich said "go jump in the river if you don't want to be famous" or words to that effect when asked about Pearl Jam's latest single "Fuck off and leave us alone". Then he sued Napster.

You how you're always saying…
…Amie's a girl who's a friend, but not your girlfriend?

Maybe Peggy and Ken will start their own firm…

"the inability of most music journalism to resemble real journalism: music journalists didn't have the same relationship with the facts. Many of them could be lazy. "

Because the one thing Superman Returns could have used more of was pointless slo-mo!

Angelina strikes me as a perfect politician: Deny, deny, deny. Always.

Or it might not grab you because the whole thing BORING AS SHIT!

Well, in fairness, it was a long, long time ago.

If I remember correctly, even Arthur C Clarke admits that the sequels are riddled with inconsistencies and that he thought it best to see them as separate stories, to a degree. (From the 3001 fore- or afterword — don't have a copy at hand, so not sure what his actual wording was)

This comment thread is about ten times more entertaining then both movies combined. (But not 'Overnight'. 'Overnight' is great.)

The Redemption of Leonard
I loved this episode, and thought it was one of the strongest of the season. Leonard has been sort of a dick for most of the season, but in this episode, he reverted to nerdy, sweet befuddlement. I both laughed and felt for him when he said "I'm really starting to think there's a

This may…
have been posted already, but there are too many comments to sift through. So:

I thought they really mishandled the Leslie Winkle character, so I will add my voice to the chorus crying for Bernadette's return. She was hilarious, and the show could use another regular. (And make Stuart a regular too.)