
I find it pretty crazy that one can boil Barret down as a stereotype just because of his words and his voice actor. The guy is anti capitalist. He’s a leader. He’s a business owner. He’s a father to children that are not even his by birth. Had Barret not held the belief that the only way to stop a corrupt for profit

Did you actually read any of Deroir’s tweets to Jessica Price?

“Claims to be a player” bro, Derior is a prominent member of the Guild Wars 2 community. He’s been playing the game longer than Price was an employee. He’s so important to the game they made a NPC of him in his honor.

Do you know what the definition of “Misogyny” is because literally nothing they said was misogynistic or prickish. They even mentions the man was fire, too.

This Jessica Pierce just doesn’t get it. She wasn’t fired because of the patriarchy or sexism; hell, a man was fire too for trying to defend her outlandish comments. She was fired for very publicly attacking a prominent community member. Derior thanked her for the further insight on game narrative after the Reddit