
Not a bad looking Pinto...

Why would voting by mail be harder for Florida than any other state?  Oregon and Washington have had it for years and we handle things just fine.

“if you live with an introvert, you’ve probably noticed that they’re taking hourlong shits now.”

I feel strongly neutral on your statement. I wish to say, in the neutralist possible way that I have no strong feelings either way on your position. In conclusion. Your opinion exists.

Introvert here. Going on week 3 of mandatory WFH until mid May. Wife and daughter are also home.

“as a floridian”

Right. Heaven forbid we implement a system that will make it quick and easy for everyone to vote. 

I strongly disagree. I live in W WA state and we’ve been voting by mail for years. It’s has done absolute wonder for our voter turnout and paper ballots can’t be hacked. The ballot is sealed in an envelope within an envelope and is fed into the machine UNOPENED. They ARE NOT hand counted. We don’t have easily

That too!

‘member that time the UN diplomats all laughed at Trump? so great...

Yeah for real. Old money hates new money. 

Trump has a tiny mushroom hard-on for manly man jobs that creeps into almost all of his policies. Beside opposing anything Obama liked, he likes throwing his support behind traditionally macho jobs.

For all your reaction GIF needs:

They should hire him to narrarate National Park training films. “I Ain’t Messin’ Witchu: A Field Guide to the Fauna of the American West.”

They’re also delicious, in addition to being far, far more suitable for our environment than cattle.

...and also the name of a Grindcore band.

Mood’s a thing for cattle and loveplay, not witching.