Yeah, Buddy! That’s what you call a “Hey Y’All — Watch This!” machine.
Yeah, Buddy! That’s what you call a “Hey Y’All — Watch This!” machine.
Next up: Steve uses a puppy-play tail plug as a muffler stopper for a bike wash… leather restraints for truck transport…. And silicone lubricant for his chain..
NSFW link no longer works, however it has been 15 years.
This site once wrote about people making art of dragons fucking cars (to the point that "dragoning" was site slang for a bit), but how furries can help a DIY project is just too far for you?
I cannot wait until someone wrecks one. That tiny, powerful motor will go in the 1994 Jaguar XJS EV coupe that I’m currently dreaming about.
Finally, some good news.
LOL, reminds me of years ago when I first got started on ebay. I listed this new Hotwheels car set that went unbid @ $2 + like 3 bucks for shipping.
Option 2 is when you vote ND and disparage the vehicle in the comments then lowball the buyer since “obviously nobody wants this thing.”
I was about to make a comment about the horrendous belay technique and came to the comments section to see if anyone else noticed. That’s a great way to drop your climber, hope he has a grigri lol
He said "not" douchey...
Let’s face it. If you’re dropping $125k on any sports car you’re going to look like a douche. You might look like less of a douche with certain cars but that’s them breaks. Here are my suggestions:
I was about to say that Andy is right on the money with the Evora... Dat Kenmeri, tho. Also dat Plus Four. And dat NSX in the header pic. Sheesh, this is a tough one, so many great options. And you guys dont even get the Alpine or the Caterhams over there.
You guys already know what I’m going to suggest.
this is screaming for a ‘busa transplant