
Another word: Thorazine....

Or perhaps a Red Barchetta, from a better vanished time?

Now that’s a blown head gasket...

Beat me to it - I’ll find any excuse to repost that...

Grew up along the UP mainline east of Cheyenne, so had numerous opportunities to see (hear) 844 nee 8444 blow by on its way to or from some event. My folks have gotten to see the other two beasts since that time. They just moved off the farm and one of the things they miss the most is seeing those engines roll by.

It’s a time-honored tradition

“his moral compass had effectively corroded”

So that’s where Drogon went...

Also relevant:

Naw, Guilfoyle is older than Melania (50 vs 49...).

For competitive orgasming?

his new Air Jesus shoes?

“I know windmills very much.”

Ours was more comparable to the SNL “Pat” sketches...

Totally had a lady HS gym teacher that looked like that...

the phrase “uncomfortable in their own skin” comes to mind.

this is never not funny.