
Yeah or at least much more striking... I like her more expressive face as emilia though

Haaaaaaa (fart noise)

Name dropping at its absolute finest <3

The way some people’s minds work is so bizarre. Like, it’s not necessarily very offensive but... Wut? Why? People will realise you aren’t black when they see that you're white, Calvin (one very obvious topical exception aside)

Yes please! Also as thingy from Hunger Games. Yum

Oh my! *blushes and swoons*

Ok I know I’ll regret this...

Thanks. Will you be performing lobotomies on us now or do I need to scrub my brain with some sort of chemical?

Yup!! There are so many comments on here like ‘ghosting is cowardly’ and ‘ghosting says more about the person who does it’ but I think in most situations your comment absolutely nails it. Sean Penn is an abusive piece of shit and cutting contact after a particular piece of behaviour may well have been the cleanest and

You could have incorporated it into your voicemail

But if a woman is sometimes sexy then she must be sexy at all times even when she doesn't want to or its unprofessional to tell her to.

I have no advice but I really feel you. My husband has a chronic illness which has now thankfully responded to medication but for a few months he was in so much pain and it was SO HARD for both of us. Good luck and try not to beat yourself up - living with an illness is tough whichever of you is ill

4 years is only significant if you are very young! My mum is 6 years older than my dad and they've been happily married 40 years, and my sister is 3 years older than the man she's marrying. Seems to work fine :)

Ugh, Fanta. Worst thing they ever did.

Yeah - surely the ideal state would be one in which such a vast majority of people were allies that the particular group in question were no longer ever discriminated against? So like if everyone on earth were pro LGBT rights then gay people would no longer ever be oppressed. Obviously that may not be possible or may

People can take care of themselves! I can’t be a cold bitch to a tiny fluffy creature in need but everyone else can earn my compassion :p

Ugh I've been doing couch to 5k recently and this is the main hurdle that makes me not want to go each time - even more than the fact that running is hard (for me). All I can say is turn your music up and ignore it... Not v helpful but I feel your pain!

Seconded! My mum is the kind of person who regularly does stupid and occasionally mildly perilous things to help out animals and even when she fails (ie it dies) she still provided it some comfort in its last moments. Every single one owes her big time even if it was only a short gesture on her part. I always joke

Noooo - always save the baby animals! And the grown up animals. You’re doing the Lord’s work by giving them hilarious names as well

I’m glad you and your husband are working things out and that you feel he’s providing more for you now. It must have been very upsetting for both of you to go through all of that, particularly the death of someone you were so close to.