
Ommmmg I love mini pigs so much! Would seriously want one if I could look after it properly! Lucky you

I'm so sorry. Each of those sounds so hard individually, never mind all at once. Wishing you lots of luck on the upswing xxx

Stealing that quote!! Ugh yeah I agree with you and also just bored of hearing that tired old argument. I suppose if I heard someone who I actually respected come out with it I would argue, but people on the Internet can keep on idioting if they want. Jez excepted of course, we’re all great :p

So, I’m married but I have a crush on someone else... Not like a fleeting attraction but a proper crush that I’ve had for a while on a friend of my husband’s, who is also married. Nothing has happened between us except for some very mild flirtation (a lot of which my husband is present for and has no problem with) and

That's imposter syndrome and happens to everyone to a greater or lesser extent. Try to ignore it as much as you can! A lot of the most brilliant people get it the worst.

Aargh that’s terrible! The worst part for me was that you didn’t deserve to go if a boy didn’t ask you. What the actual fuck?!? Much worse than my original whinge about my dad!

Wow I have just been reading your comments to me and others on this thread and we sound like we are in such a similar boat it’s uncanny! My parents are also v nice and super supportive of me, and I know that the constant focus on my sister is because she is more sensitive than me. My mum once called her a damaged soul

I have no feelings about Kate Upton (no shade, I really just don’t know much about her) but am excited for this film! Still hoping for some prequels starring the young marauders, preferably books (by JK obv) but will settle for movies.

Specialising in not judging a dick by its size

Ah, I did my undergrad there but Masters at Dirty Skank University

Excellent opening line! Do you do graduation speeches?

I agree with everything you said - why must we second guess people’s sexualities even after specifically being told what they view themselves as. People seem more chill with women’s sexualities being less black and white but really why should men be any different?!

She and Rihanna can do better.

Thank you! I’d eat it. I wouldn’t be proud of myself afterwards or anything, but I would definitely eat that pizza, and any pizza, and enjoy it.

Not gonna lie, I’d eat it. I love pie

Being able to read minds would be horrible as a woman, I think. Because even the loveliest, most respectful men who would never dream of creeping on you irl would have the odd occasional thought... And you'd have to see it and then be super awkward with them forever :( much better to pretend that doesn't happen.

Nailed it! Now you don't need to read them :p

That's the X Factor

Also, no it's not anywhere in the South of England, not just London. Rent is more than that.

Yeah that's usually over on ITV