
Argumentum ad Ku Klux Klannium over here.

No, black violence and equality was the scapegoat. I am by no means against equality.

LOL Equating me to the KKK. Get out of here.

Black on white violence is an order of magnitude greater than white on black violence. Just an FYI.

19% of 1200 people is such a shit sample size. It means nothing.

Of course you would, because it's been misrepresented, and by virtue of osmosis, you have adopted feminist standpoint theory. Your ideas are unassailable because of it.

Wow, how shallow of you. Though, coming from the kind of feminist I've observed you to be, this is ultimately unsurprising.

Gamergate, like the MRM in general is heavily misrepresented and people like you buy into it.

Wrong. You have a very clear misunderstanding of the MRA.

Actually, in a way, yes.

Oh Christ.

MRA's actually go out and do good things. Not all of them are assholes, that's like equating all of feminism to radical feminism.

As opposed to all the butthurt feminist tripe that's out there, and you know it's there. Enough that you could drown in.

Yeah, fuck men! Fuck all of them!